The Goob (2014) follows the story of a 16-year-old boy named Goob who returns to his rural hometown to live with his mother. Set in the picturesque countryside, Goob's life revolves around a small restaurant and a field of pumpkins. However, tensions arise when his mother's new partner enters the picture, leading to a strained relationship between Goob and his new stepfather.
Throughout the summer, Goob goes through a journey of self-discovery and growth. He finds himself entangled in a complicated relationship with a girl involved in the stock-car circuit, which challenges his emotions and forces him to confront his own insecurities. Additionally, he finds solace in his gay cousin, who shares his passion for dancing.
As the season progresses, Goob encounters problems with a fieldworker, adding another layer of difficulty to his already complex life. Through these various experiences, Goob learns valuable lessons about love, family, and the complex nature of relationships.
The Goob is a coming-of-age film that delicately explores the challenges and complexities of adolescence. With stunning cinematography capturing the beauty of the countryside, this film offers a touching and captivating story that will resonate with viewers of all ages.