In the war-torn setting of 800AD Scotland, the thrilling adventure of The Gaelic King unfolds. The protagonist is Alpin mac Eachdach, a warrior-king who is faced with an arduous task when his young brother is kidnapped by an unknown group. Determined to rescue his brother and bring him back safely, Alpin embarks on a perilous journey through a foreboding forest that conceals a dark and ancient malevolence.
As Alpin delves deeper into the forest, he discovers that the evil force lurking within it poses a formidable threat not only to his brother but also to his kingdom. With time running out and his people relying on him, Alpin must confront his fears and confront the malevolent power head-on.
The Gaelic King paints a vivid picture of the historical backdrop and seamlessly incorporates elements of fantasy and suspense. As viewers are drawn into the captivating storyline, they are swept away by the stunning visuals and immersive atmosphere. The film showcases a talented cast who deliver compelling performances, adding depth and emotion to the characters.
Full of action, adventure, and a touch of mysticism, The Gaelic King takes its audience on a gripping and unpredictable journey. Will Alpin be able to overcome the ancient evil and rescue his brother in time? Stream this thrilling historical-fantasy film now to find out. Experience the captivating world of Alpin mac Eachdach and his struggle against the forces of darkness.
Also Known As:
The Gaelic KingRelease Date:
10 Jul 2017Writers:
Matthew Todd, Philip Todd, Nathan Todd