The Fourth Protocol is a 1987 spy thriller that revolves around John Preston, a British agent who is assigned the critical mission of preventing the Russians from detonating a nuclear bomb near an American base in the UK. The Russians have devised this plan in hopes of destabilizing the strong diplomatic relationship between the two countries.
In a high-stakes race against time, Preston must uncover the truth behind the complex web of political intrigue and espionage. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers a clandestine operation orchestrated by a brilliant KGB agent named Valeri Petrofsky. Petrofsky's chilling plan involves assembling the necessary components to construct a nuclear device, leading to a thrilling cat-and-mouse game with Preston.
With the help of an unassuming and resourceful British woman, Preston becomes determined to expose the truth and protect his country from the potential catastrophe. As the tension escalates, the story presents a series of unexpected twists and turns that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker John Mackenzie, The Fourth Protocol is an intelligent and gripping film that combines elements of espionage, political thriller, and suspense. Featuring a stellar cast, including Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan, the movie offers a thrilling and suspenseful experience that delves into the complex world of international intrigue.
Also Known As:
The Fourth ProtocolRelease Date:
28 Aug 1987Writers:
George Axelrod, Richard Burridge, Frederick ForsythAwards:
1 nomination