In The Foreigner, a grieving father named Quan, who is a humble businessman with a mysterious past, sets out on a quest for justice when his daughter becomes a victim of a terrorist attack in London. As he seeks answers about his daughter's death, Quan becomes entangled in a suspenseful cat-and-mouse game with a government official named Hennessy.
Hennessy, played by Pierce Brosnan, is an ex-IRA member and now a powerful government official. Quan believes that Hennessy holds key information about the terrorists responsible for the attack, and that his past connections with the IRA might provide important clues. Determined to unveil the truth, Quan uses his skills from his own hidden past to relentlessly pursue Hennessy, putting both of their lives at risk.
As the tension rises, Quan's relentless pursuit and Hennessy's desperation to protect his secrets lead them down a dangerous path of deception, betrayal, and vengeance. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping storytelling, intense action sequences, and unexpected plot twists. Directed by Martin Campbell, known for his work on James Bond films, The Foreigner delivers a captivating and suspenseful narrative that explores themes of justice, revenge, and the consequences of one's past actions.
Also Known As:
The ForeignerRelease Date:
13 Oct 2017Writers:
David Marconi, Stephen LeatherAwards:
1 nomination