The Following is a gripping 2013 thriller that explores the chilling idea of psychopathic serial killers bonding and collaborating with one another. The movie centers around an extraordinary serial killer named Joe Carroll and his ability to establish a cult-like network of followers. These killers can finally connect with each other, forming alliances that spread across the country.
Joe Carroll is a charismatic and intelligent sociopath who manages to escape from prison, setting off a terrifying chain of events. As he eludes the FBI, Carroll establishes his Following by recruiting individuals who share his twisted mindset. Through these connections, he manages to orchestrate a series of gruesome and elaborate murders, all while taunting and outsmarting the authorities.
The story mainly focuses on Ryan Hardy, a former FBI agent who had previously captured Carroll. Now pulled back into the case, Hardy is determined to put an end to Carroll's reign of terror and dismantle his dangerous following. As Hardy gets closer to Carroll, he discovers that the danger extends far beyond their initial encounters, with a complex web of killers operating under Carroll's manipulation.
The Following will keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its intense and suspenseful narrative. With stunning performances, shocking twists, and a thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of human nature, this movie is sure to captivate thrill-seeking viewers.
Also Known As:
The FollowingRelease Date:
21 Jan 2013Writers:
Kevin WilliamsonAwards:
3 wins & 13 nominations.