In this captivating and inspiring historical drama, The Fencer (2015), viewers are transported to post-World War II Estonia. The film follows the journey of Endel, a former fencer who flees from the Russian secret police due to his controversial past. Forced to return to his homeland, he finds himself in a small town where he becomes a physical education teacher at a local school.
Endel's life takes an unexpected turn when he starts teaching a group of young children the art of fencing. As Endel passionately trains his students, he finds solace and purpose in their shared love for the sport. However, the threat of his past looms overhead, and he must make a difficult decision: either protect his students by abandoning them or face the dangerous consequences of his actions.
Based on the true story of Estonian fencer Endel Nelis (1925-1993), The Fencer is a powerful tale of courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. Directed by Klaus Härö, the film beautifully captures the historical backdrop of Estonia's struggle for independence while also exploring themes of redemption and the importance of mentorship. With its compelling storyline and heartfelt performances, The Fencer is a must-watch for fans of historical dramas and sports films alike.
Streaming service viewers will find themselves drawn into this gripping tale that showcases the resilience of the human spirit, making The Fencer an engaging and thought-provoking choice for an evening of cinematic entertainment.
Also Known As:
The FencerRelease Date:
21 Jul 2017Writers:
Anna HeinämaaAwards:
6 wins & 5 nominations