In the crime thriller The Factory set in Buffalo, New York, an obsessed cop named Mike Fletcher is determined to catch a manipulative serial killer targeting young women. As the bodies pile up, Fletcher's life takes a devastating turn when his own teenage daughter, Abby, goes missing. Driven by desperation and guilt, Fletcher throws caution to the wind and takes matters into his own hands, venturing into the depths of the city's dangerous underbelly.
As Fletcher relentlessly searches for clues, he uncovers a disturbing connection between his daughter's disappearance and the work of the sadistic killer. With time running out, he becomes increasingly reckless, risking his own life and career to save his daughter. Alongside his partner, Gary, Fletcher navigates a web of dark secrets and dangerous encounters to uncover the truth.
Critically acclaimed actor John Cusack delivers a captivating performance as the driven and tormented Mike Fletcher, while Jennifer Carpenter portrays Abby, the vulnerable and brave young girl at the center of the mystery. Directed by Morgan O'Neill, The Factory is a gripping and intense thriller filled with suspense, twists, and shocking revelations that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
The FactoryRelease Date:
23 Jan 2023Writers:
Morgan O'Neill, Paul Leyden