The Executioner And Her Way Of Life is a highly anticipated sci-fi fantasy series set in a world where wanderers known as the Lost Ones emerge from a distant world called Japan. These Lost Ones bring with them chaos and catastrophe, and it becomes the duty of a young Executioner named Menou to exterminate them. However, when Menou crosses paths with a girl named Akari, she realizes that Akari cannot be killed, as she possesses immortality.
This chance encounter turns into a life-altering journey for Menou as she embarks on a mission to discover the secret behind Akari's immortality. Together, they team up to uncover the truth about the Lost Ones and find a way to defeat Akari's immortality.
The Executioner And Her Way Of Life is a captivating and thrilling series that explores themes of mortality, identity, and the consequences of one's actions. As Menou and Akari delve deeper into their quest, they encounter unexpected allies and enemies, and their bond strengthens as they face the challenges that come their way.
With its unique concept and engaging storyline, The Executioner And Her Way Of Life is a must-watch series for fans of sci-fi and fantasy. Get ready to join Menou and Akari on a journey that will forever change their lives, and witness the epic battles and emotional moments that await them.
Also Known As:
Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road