The Enfield Poltergeist (2023) is a bone-chilling supernatural thriller based on one of the most renowned and terrifying cases of poltergeist activity in history. Prepare to be captivated as the film brings to life the harrowing events that unfolded inside the Enfield house.
This true story is told through original audio recordings made during the height of the paranormal occurrences. As the sinister events escalate, tensions rise and fear grips the family living in the house, plunging them into a world of terror and the unknown.
Witness the unexplained phenomena first-hand as objects move on their own, disturbing sounds echo through the hallways, and the presence of something demonic becomes palpable. As the haunting intensifies, renowned paranormal investigators are called in to uncover the truth behind the malevolent force terrorizing the family.
With its immersive and authentic approach, The Enfield Poltergeist (2023) takes you inside the terrifying ordeal experienced by the Enfield family. This spine-tingling film taps into the power of original audio recordings, capturing the raw emotions and unfiltered reactions of those caught in the grip of an otherworldly entity.
Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as The Enfield Poltergeist (2023) delivers a haunting, suspenseful, and truly unforgettable cinematic experience. Witness the terrifying power of the supernatural in this acclaimed portrayal of one of the most infamous poltergeist cases of all time.
Also Known As:
The Enfield PoltergeistRelease Date:
27 Oct 2023