In the animated fantasy series The Dragon Prince, two young human princes, Callum and Ezran, find themselves on a thrilling and dangerous adventure. After encountering an elf named Rayla, who was sent to assassinate them, the trio forms an unexpected alliance. Together, they embark on a daring quest to deliver a stolen dragon's egg back to its rightful owners, hoping to prevent a full-scale war from erupting.
Set in the magical land of Xadia, the story unfolds in a world divided between humans and magical creatures. Magic, mystery, and danger lurk at every turn as the group faces numerous challenges and encounters incredible creatures on their journey. As the princes learn more about the conflict between the kingdoms, they discover that only by bringing peace to their lands can they restore harmony and protect their loved ones.
The Dragon Prince captivates audiences with its rich storytelling, stunning animation, and complex characters. With a blend of humor, action, and heartfelt moments, it appeals to viewers of all ages. The series explores themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the power of unity in the face of adversity.
As the unlikely party battles against dark forces and uncovers hidden truths, the fate of Xadia hangs in the balance. Will Callum, Ezran, and Rayla succeed in their quest and bring an end to the conflict, or will the warring lands descend into chaos? Tune in to The Dragon Prince to witness this epic adventure unfold.
Also Known As:
The Dragon PrinceRelease Date:
14 Sep 2018Writers:
Aaron Ehasz, Justin RichmondAwards:
3 wins & 11 nominations