The Diplomat is a captivating six-part series set in Barcelona that revolves around Laura Simmonds, a resilient British diplomat, and her trusted friend and colleague, Alba Ortiz. Together, they navigate the complex world of diplomacy to defend and safeguard British citizens who find themselves in precarious situations in the vibrant Catalan city.
As an experienced diplomat, Laura Simmonds embodies determination and resourcefulness as she takes on challenging cases, displaying her unwavering commitment to the well-being and protection of her fellow countrymen. Alba Ortiz, with her local knowledge and strong bond with Laura, provides essential support and assistance, enhancing their dynamic partnership.
The series explores the delicate balance between upholding diplomatic protocols and fighting against political barriers as Laura and Alba work tirelessly to unravel intricate webs of corruption, deception, and criminal activity. Their efforts are often met with resistance from both local authorities and high-ranking officials, posing formidable obstacles in their quest for justice.
Through its gripping narrative, The Diplomat delves into the complexities of diplomacy, shedding light on the personal sacrifices and pressures that diplomats face. With its intriguing storyline and captivating performances, this series offers a thrilling and thought-provoking insight into the challenging world of international politics.
Prepare to be engrossed in the high-stakes drama, as Laura Simmonds and Alba Ortiz go above and beyond their call of duty to protect the lives and rights of British nationals in The Diplomat.
Also Known As:
The DiplomatRelease Date:
20 Apr 2023Writers:
Ben Richards