The Dinner Party is a gripping thriller that follows a talented playwright and his wife as they attend a dinner party hosted by influential members of society. Excitement fills the air, as the couple hopes this gathering will pave the way for their Broadway dreams to come true. Little do they know, the intentions of their wealthy hosts are far more sinister than they could have imagined.
As the evening progresses, dark secrets unravel, and mysterious events unfold, tensions rise and trust dissipates. The couple soon discovers that the promises made by their hosts to fund their play were mere bait to lure them into a web of manipulation and deceit.
With heart-pounding suspense and a twisted plot, The Dinner Party keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, questioning the true intentions of everyone present. As the night unfolds, the couple must confront their worst fears and make unimaginable choices to survive the night.
This psychological thriller delves into themes of betrayal, greed, and the human capacity for manipulation. Its intense storyline and skillful performances by a talented cast make The Dinner Party a must-watch for fans of suspenseful cinema. Get ready for a night of chilling entertainment as the secrets within the opulent walls of the dinner party are revealed.
Also Known As:
The Dinner PartyRelease Date:
05 Jun 2020Writers:
Miles Doleac, Michael Donovan HornAwards:
1 win.