In the chilling horror film The Dark and the Wicked (2020), a family finds themselves trapped in a nightmare on a remote farm in a small rural town. The father's deteriorating health brings the family together to mourn, but as they gather, a sinister and malevolent force begins to take hold.
Visions of terror and waking nightmares plague the family, leaving them paralyzed with fear and a growing belief that something evil has invaded their lives. As they struggle to confront and understand this dark presence, their once-strong bond as a family begins to fracture under the weight of its influence.
Director Bryan Bertino expertly crafts a haunting atmosphere, using atmospheric visuals and a tense score to amplify the terror of the unknown. With a focus on psychological horror, The Dark and the Wicked delves into themes of grief, guilt, and the unraveling of sanity in the face of an ancient and insidious evil.
Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you witness the family's descent into darkness. With its relentless tension and bone-chilling scares, The Dark and the Wicked is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts seeking a truly unsettling and atmospheric experience.