The Croods: A New Age is an animated family comedy that follows the adventures of the lovable prehistoric family, the Croods. In this second installment, the Croods find themselves facing a different kind of challenge when they encounter a rival family, the Bettermans, who claim to be more evolved and superior. Eep, Guy, and the rest of the Croods must navigate this new world and its eccentricities to protect their tribe's unity and survival.
As tensions rise between the two families, both the Croods and Bettermans realize that there might be more to life than what they have known. Through humor, heartwarming moments, and thrilling escapades, the families embark on an epic quest that pushes them to redefine their notions of family, friendship, and what it truly means to be better.
With stunning visuals and a talented voice cast, including Emma Stone, Nicolas Cage, and Ryan Reynolds, The Croods: A New Age promises to captivate both children and adults alike. This heartwarming film explores themes of acceptance, friendship, and learning from each other's differences, making it the perfect choice for a wholesome family movie night.
Join the Croods as they embark on an extraordinary adventure filled with humor, love, and self-discovery in The Croods: A New Age, now streaming on our platform.
Also Known As:
The Croods: A New AgeRelease Date:
25 Nov 2020Writers:
Kevin Hageman (screenplay by), Dan Hageman (screenplay by), Paul Fisher (screenplay by), Bob Logan (screenplay by), Kirk DeMicco (story by), Chris Sanders (story by)