In the small town of Ogden Marsh, Iowa, an inexplicable phenomenon takes place as a deadly toxin infects the residents, turning them into crazed killers. Sheriff David Dutton finds himself in the midst of the chaos, trying to understand and contain the situation. Alongside his wife, Judy, and two other uninfected townspeople, they form an unlikely alliance in their struggle for survival.
As the infected population grows, David and his group are forced to make difficult decisions to protect themselves and each other. They navigate through a desolate town filled with madness and violence, fighting against their former neighbors and friends who have succumbed to the toxin's effects. The once peaceful community descends into a nightmarish battleground, with fear and uncertainty gripping every corner.
With limited resources and increasing desperation, David and his group must confront not only the infected but also the military presence that has been dispatched to contain the situation. As they uncover the truth behind the outbreak, they realize that escaping Ogden Marsh may not be as simple as it seems.
The Crazies is a thrilling horror film that explores the breakdown of society and the human will to survive in the face of adversity. With its suspenseful storyline, intense action sequences, and well-developed characters, this movie will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
The CraziesRelease Date:
26 Feb 2010Writers:
Scott Kosar, Ray Wright, George A. RomeroAwards:
11 nominations