In the riveting thriller The Corpse of Anna Fritz (2015), the story revolves around the recently deceased Anna Fritz, a renowned and gorgeous actress. Intrigued by her beauty, three young men clandestinely break into the morgue where her body is being kept, hoping to catch a glimpse of her naked. However, their initial curiosity soon takes a dark and twisted turn as they become consumed by their desire for Anna's lifeless body.
As the tension builds, the film delves into the depths of human obsession and the consequences of crossing moral boundaries. The intense atmosphere is expertly crafted, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they become engrossed in the psychological and ethical dilemmas faced by the characters.
The Corpse of Anna Fritz pushes the boundaries of conventional storytelling, challenging societal taboos while providing a thought-provoking exploration of voyeurism and the limits of human curiosity. With its gripping narrative and stellar performances, this film is a must-watch for fans of thrilling and psychologically intense cinema.
Please note that due to the nature of the film, the content may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Also Known As:
The Corpse of Anna FritzRelease Date:
30 Oct 2015Writers:
Isaac P. Creus, Hèctor Hernández VicensAwards:
1 nomination