The Clique (2008) is a delightful coming-of-age comedy film that explores the challenges of fitting in and finding one's identity in the cutthroat world of middle school cliques. Our story centers around a young girl who moves into the guest house of a luxurious mansion and desperately yearns to be accepted into the elite group of popular girls known as The Pretty Committee.
As she navigates the treacherous waters of middle school hierarchy, our protagonist encounters a series of obstacles and dilemmas that force her to question her authenticity and values. Will she compromise her true self in order to belong?
This visually stunning and witty film showcases the trials and tribulations of adolescence with charm and relatability. With a phenomenal cast and captivating performances, The Clique captivates viewers of all ages.
Featuring an empowering and heartwarming message about self-acceptance and true friendship, this film is a must-watch for anyone who has ever felt like an outsider. Combining humor, drama, and a touch of romance, The Clique is an endearing tale that will leave audiences feeling inspired and uplifted.
Join us on this delightful journey as our protagonist seeks to find her place in a world ruled by conformity and popularity. Tune in now to discover if she triumphs in her quest for acceptance and what lessons she learns along the way.
Also Known As:
The CliqueRelease Date:
11 Nov 2008Writers:
Lisi Harrison (novel), Liz Tigelaar (adaptation)