The Carrie Diaries is a charming coming-of-age drama series that takes viewers on a nostalgic journey back to the early 1980s. Set in Manhattan, the story revolves around a young Carrie Bradshaw during her junior year of high school as she explores the complex themes of love, sex, friendship, and family for the very first time.
As Carrie immerses herself in the vibrant city, the show beautifully depicts her experiences of both high school life and the exciting world of Manhattan. Through her relationships with friends, romantic interests, and her own family, Carrie begins to unravel the intricacies of life and the many lessons it has to offer.
The series, based on the novel by Candace Bushnell, presents a delightful blend of heartfelt moments, witty dialogue, and captivating storylines. Audiences will be drawn to the relatable characters who grapple with the universal challenges of adolescence, highlighting the timeless nature of their experiences.
With its impeccable period details and a phenomenal cast, The Carrie Diaries offers a dose of nostalgia, transporting viewers back to the fashion-forward era of the '80s. Whether you're a fan of the iconic Sex and the City series or simply looking for a captivating coming-of-age story, this charming series promises to captivate and entertain.
Also Known As:
The Carrie DiariesRelease Date:
14 Jan 2013Writers:
Amy HarrisAwards:
4 nominations