The Breaker Upperers is a hilarious and heartwarming comedy directed by Madeleine Sami and Jackie van Beek. The film follows the story of two best friends, Mel and Jen, who are disenchanted with love and have given up on finding their perfect partners. Instead, they decide to start an agency called The Breaker Upperers, where they help individuals end their relationships. Their unconventional business model involves concocting outlandish scenarios to deceive their clients' partners into believing they're being cheated on or wanting to end the relationship themselves.
As their business thrives, Mel and Jen find themselves entangled in messy situations, often struggling to separate their personal lives from their professional responsibilities. Along the way, they encounter eccentric characters and navigate the complexities of friendship, loyalty, and self-discovery.
The Breaker Upperers offers a fresh and female-driven perspective on the complexities of love and relationships. The film explores themes of personal growth, the fear of commitment, and the consequences of avoiding emotional vulnerability. With its sharp comedic writing, witty dialogue, and stellar performances, this indie gem is sure to keep you laughing and entertained.
Grab some popcorn and prepare for a delightfully funny and heartwarming journey with The Breaker Upperers.