The Brass Teapot (2012) is a captivating and darkly comedic film that revolves around the lives of John and Alice, a struggling young couple in their mid-twenties. In the midst of financial hardship, they stumble upon a mystical brass teapot that possesses the incredible ability to generate money. However, there's a catch – every time they use the teapot to satisfy their material desires, they must endure pain and suffering.
As they delve deeper into the teapot's power, John and Alice become increasingly obsessed with their newfound fortune. But as the stakes escalate and the consequences become more severe, the couple is faced with a moral dilemma that challenges their values and tests the limits of their ambition.
The Brass Teapot highlights the lengths people are willing to go to achieve their goals, shedding light on the darker side of human nature. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked greed and the importance of finding true happiness outside of material possessions.
With its mesmerizing storyline and engaging performances, The Brass Teapot combines elements of fantasy, comedy, and drama to explore timeless themes of love, temptation, and the pursuit of the American dream. Experience the allure and consequences of the magical brass teapot in this thought-provoking and entertaining film.
Also Known As:
The Brass TeapotRelease Date:
15 Apr 2013Writers:
Tim Macy, Ramaa MosleyAwards:
2 nominations