In The Big Trip, a lighthearted animated film, a mix-up by a clumsy stork leads to a baby panda being mistakenly delivered to the wrong doorstep. Determined to rectify the error and reunite the panda with its rightful family, a hilarious and unlikely group of animal friends comprising of a bear, a moose, a tiger, and a rabbit embark on an exciting and eventful journey through the wilderness.
This heartwarming adventure takes viewers on an arduous yet fun-filled trip as the gang encounters numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, including treacherous rivers, daunting mountains, and mischievous monkeys. Led by the resourceful bear, the motley crew must navigate through the untamed terrain, all the while learning the true meaning of friendship and bravery.
The Big Trip is a captivating family film that emphasizes the importance of perseverance, loyalty, and sticking together during times of adversity. With stunning animation, vibrant landscapes, and a delightful ensemble of characters, this movie brings humor, excitement, and touching moments that will entertain both kids and adults alike.
Join the lovable animal friends as they face unforgettable adventures in their quest to reunite a young panda with its family. The Big Trip is an uplifting and feel-good film that is perfect for a cozy family movie night.
Also Known As:
The Big TripRelease Date:
01 May 2019Writers:
Billy Frolick, Vasiliy Rovenskiy