In The Banana Splits Movie (2019), the adorable and lovable characters from the classic children's show, The Banana Splits, take a dark and twisted turn. Harley and his family, including his brother Austin and parents Beth and Mitch, attend a taping of the show for Harley's birthday. Little do they know, chaos is about to ensue.
Rebecca, the producer of the series, is hoping for a normal day of fun-filled entertainment. However, things quickly take a sinister turn when the animatronic Banana Splits characters go haywire, causing an unexpected horror show. As the body count begins to rise, Harley and his family, along with their newfound friends, must find a way to escape the madness and survive.
Filled with thrilling twists and turns, The Banana Splits Movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they root for the survival of the main characters. Will Harley, his mom, and their new pals be able to outsmart the deadly animatronics and make it out alive?
This dark and twisted take on a beloved children's show provides a unique and thrilling horror experience. Perfect for fans of horror and nostalgia, The Banana Splits Movie is sure to leave audiences both entertained and on the edge of their seats.