The 7 Lives of Lea is a captivating and mysterious drama series that follows the life of a woman named Lea. When Lea unexpectedly discovers the body of Ismael, a teenager who vanished three decades ago, she finds herself transported back to the year 1991. From that point forward, she wakes up each morning in the body of a different person.
This intriguing concept plunges Lea into a perplexing journey as she navigates the lives of various individuals, each with their own unique challenges and experiences. As she inhabits the bodies of different individuals, Lea must adapt to their circumstances, relationships, and struggles.
Throughout the series, Lea becomes deeply entangled in the lives of those she inhabits, struggling to comprehend the significance of her newfound ability and its connection to Ismael's disappearance. As she continues to wake up in different bodies, Lea is determined to uncover the truth behind Ismael's fate and unearth the secrets that have haunted her.
With its thrilling twists and thought-provoking narrative, The 7 Lives of Lea keeps viewers captivated as they embark on Lea's gripping and transformative journey through time and identity. This emotionally charged series delves into themes of loss, identity, and self-discovery, promising an enthralling and unforgettable viewing experience.
Also Known As:
The 7 Lives of LeaRelease Date:
28 Apr 2022Writers:
Charlotte Sanson