The 25th Reich is a genre-bending film directed by Stephen Amis that combines elements of WWII, sci-fi, and adventure. This film takes audiences on a wild ride with time-travel, Nazi robots, faulty spaceships, and colossal creatures. The storyline is adapted from the beloved novella 50,000 Years Until Tomorrow by J.J. Solomon.
Set in the 1940s and 1950s, The 25th Reich pays homage to classic sci-fi and WWII films. The screenplay, written collaboratively by Amis, David Richardson, and Serge DeNardo, captures the essence of the era while infusing it with innovative twists.
The movie follows an international team of soldiers who embark on a dangerous mission to stop the Nazis from altering the course of history. As they navigate the treacherous landscape, the soldiers encounter perplexing phenomena and face relentless Nazi robots. With time slipping away, they must rely on their wit and determination to save the world as they know it.
The 25th Reich is an entertaining and action-packed film that offers a fresh and creative take on familiar genres. Filled with suspense, humor, and eye-catching visuals, it captivates viewers from start to finish. Fans of WWII movies and sci-fi enthusiasts alike will find this movie a thrilling ride that combines the best of both worlds.