In the small town of Texas, Detective Souder, along with his partner Detective Heigh, are faced with the task of solving a series of horrific murders. The killer, known for dumping his victims' mutilated bodies in the nearby marsh known as 'The Killing Fields,' proves to be sadistic and cunning. Despite the crimes falling outside their jurisdiction, Detective Heigh becomes determined to put an end to the killings.
As the investigation unfolds, the killer begins to taunt the detectives, leaving hints at the crime scenes and challenging their abilities. This gamble sets off a dangerous game of cat and mouse, with the killer always managing to stay one step ahead. However, when a local girl named Ann goes missing, the urgency to catch the killer intensifies.
Time becomes a critical factor as the detectives race against the clock to rescue Ann and apprehend the sadistic serial killer. Will they be able to outsmart the cunning murderer before it's too late? Texas Killing Fields is a gripping thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the detectives navigate through dangerous territory to save innocent lives.
Also Known As:
Texas Killing FieldsRelease Date:
14 Oct 2011Writers:
Don FerraroneAwards:
4 wins & 3 nominations