Tell It to the Bees is a heartfelt drama set in a small town in 1950s Britain. The story revolves around the unexpected relationship that develops between a doctor and the mother of one of her young patients. Dr. Jean Markham, played by Anna Paquin, returns to her hometown to take over her late father's medical practice. As she settles into her new life, she forms a bond with Lydia, played by Holliday Grainger, a struggling single mother who is trying to raise her son Charlie amidst societal judgments and personal hardships.
As Dr. Jean and Lydia spend more time together, their connection deepens, and they find solace in each other's company. However, their relationship starts to stir up controversy and gossip in the conservative town, ultimately putting them in a position where they must make difficult choices about their future happiness.
Tell It to the Bees beautifully explores themes of love, compassion, and societal expectations in a time when unconventional relationships were heavily frowned upon. Directed by Annabel Jankel, this emotional film portrays the struggles faced by its characters in a way that will leave viewers captivated and invested in their journey.
With strong performances by its talented cast, Tell It to the Bees is a tender and moving film that showcases the power of love to transcend societal barriers.
Also Known As:
Tell It to the BeesRelease Date:
03 May 2019Writers:
Henrietta Ashworth (adaptation), Jessica Ashworth (adaptation), Fiona Shaw (novel)