Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) takes fans of the beloved turtles on an exciting adventure through time. When April, their favorite news reporter, is accidentally transported back to 17th Century Japan, the courageous foursome must travel back in time to rescue her.
In their latest cowabunga-filled escapade, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael find themselves in the midst of Samurai-O-Rama, a time filled with sword-wielding warriors and ancient traditions. As they embrace the new culture, they face off against the formidable Lord Norinaga, an evil ruler who seeks to keep the magic scepter that brought them there for his own wicked purposes.
The turtles must use their incredible ninja skills to defeat Lord Norinaga and his forces, and secure the magic scepter to return to their beloved New York City. Along the way, they encounter allies, face dangerous challenges, and engage in thrilling battles.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) combines action, comedy, and heart in a whirlwind adventure that will leave audiences of all ages on the edge of their seats. Will the turtles be able to bring April back home and maintain the balance of time? Tune in to find out!
Note: This summary is suitable for a streaming service page and avoids disclosing any spoilers for the film.