Tale of the Nine Tailed is an urban dark fantasy drama that follows the captivating story of a mythical creature called a gumiho as it integrates into the bustling city. The gumiho, a nine-tailed fox capable of shape-shifting into a human form, captures the attention of a determined producer who becomes obsessed with proving its existence.
Set in the modern era, the series delves into the sneaky world of supernatural creatures secretly living among humans. The gumiho, played by the talented Lee Dong-Wook, undergoes various trials and tribulations in its search for a true love that will allow it to become human. As the producer, played by Jo Bo-Ah, relentlessly pursues her investigation, she becomes entangled in a mysterious love triangle involving the gumiho and a former lover.
Tale of the Nine Tailed masterfully combines elements of fantasy and romance with a gripping plot filled with thrilling twists and turns. Each episode leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating what will happen next. With its intoxicating blend of supernatural lore, intense character dynamics, and stunning visuals, this series is sure to captivate audiences of all kinds.
Discover the hidden world of mythical creatures and embark on an enchanting journey filled with love, betrayal, and perseverance in Tale of the Nine Tailed.
Also Known As:
Tale of the Nine TailedRelease Date:
05 May 2023