Swept Up by Christmas is a heartwarming holiday film that follows the story of an antique seller and a cleaner who find themselves at odds when tasked with downsizing a grand estate just before Christmas. The two individuals, each with their own unique perspective on the process, must learn to work together as they uncover the hidden treasures within the house.
As they embark on this journey, the antique seller and cleaner unexpectedly find themselves drawn to the reclusive owner of the estate. Through their shared efforts, they manage to reconnect him with the joyful memories of his own past Christmases.
This touching movie celebrates the magic of the holiday season and depicts the power of human connection. It explores themes of forgiveness, love, and the importance of cherishing memories. The characters not only learn the value of working as a team, but also discover the transformative power of the Christmas spirit.
With stunning visuals and heartfelt performances, Swept Up by Christmas is sure to leave viewers feeling warm and inspired. This holiday film captures the essence of the season and reminds us all of the joy that can be found in simple acts of kindness and the beauty of shared experiences.
Also Known As:
Swept Up by ChristmasRelease Date:
19 Dec 2020Writers:
Nicole Baxter, Hilary Galanoy, Elizabeth Hackett