In this chilling and darkly comedic musical, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) brings to life the infamous tale of Benjamin Barker, who becomes the vengeful Sweeney Todd after being wrongfully imprisoned for 15 years. Upon his return to London, Sweeney opens a barber shop above the meat pie shop owned by Mrs. Lovett, a cunning and resourceful woman.
Driven by his thirst for revenge against the corrupt judge who destroyed his life, Sweeney embarks on a murderous spree, dispatching his customers with a straight razor and disposing of their bodies with Mrs. Lovett's unique and grisly solution. As rumors of disappearances spread throughout the city, Sweeney's barber shop gains popularity, drawing more unsuspecting victims into his deadly trap.
As the body count rises, Sweeney's past resurfaces when he encounters a young sailor named Anthony and falls for his beautiful ward, Johanna, the judge's daughter. Their intertwined fates bring a glimmer of hope in Sweeney's dark world, but will the elusive judge ever face justice?
Directed by visionary filmmaker Tim Burton, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a visually stunning portrayal of obsession, heartbreak, and the lengths one man will go to seek vengeance. With a haunting score and outstanding performances from Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd and Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett, this macabre masterpiece is a captivating blend of horror and dark humor.
Also Known As:
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetRelease Date:
21 Dec 2007Writers:
John Logan (screenplay), Hugh Wheeler (musical), Christopher Bond (musical adaptation)Awards:
Won 1 Oscar. Another 34 wins & 75 nominations.