Svenska bilder is a romantic comedy film set in Stockholm, following the story of an unemployed man who finds himself infatuated with a female street musician performing in his courtyard. He embarks on a pursuit to find her, which leads him through the bustling streets of the city. Along the way, he encounters a lonesome woman who becomes enamored with him and begins to chase after him as well.
As the story unfolds, the characters navigate through the vibrant urban landscape of Stockholm, their paths interweaving in a whimsical and heartwarming manner. The film captures the essence of love, longing, and unexpected connections that can arise in a bustling city. With a mix of comedic moments and heartfelt interactions, Svenska bilder offers a charming and engaging narrative that showcases the beauty of human connections in an urban setting.
Experience the magic of love and serendipity in the streets of Stockholm with Svenska bilder, a delightful film that will leave you smiling and believing in the power of unexpected encounters.
Also Known As:
Svenska bilderRelease Date:
07 Sep 1964Writers:
Hans Alfredson, Tage Danielsson