In the movie Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971), a clever con artist finds himself in a mining town that is divided between two rival companies vying for control. Mistaken for a renowned gunslinger, the con artist becomes embroiled in a web of deception as both companies attempt to hire him to eliminate their competition. As the town's tension escalates, the con artist must navigate his way through a series of hilarious and precarious situations to maintain his facade and outwit the rival factions.
With a blend of comedy, wit, and Western flair, Support Your Local Gunfighter delivers a mix of lively characters, comical misunderstandings, and unexpected twists. As the con artist's schemes unravel and his true identity threatens to be revealed, viewers are taken on a rollicking journey filled with laughter and suspense.
This classic Western comedy captures the essence of the genre while offering a fresh and entertaining take on the classic gunslinger narrative. With a stellar cast, engaging storytelling, and memorable moments, Support Your Local Gunfighter is sure to delight audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Support Your Local GunfighterRelease Date:
14 May 1971Writers:
James Edward Grant