Supernatural is an enthralling and long-running American television series that first aired in 2005 and concluded in 2020. The show revolves around two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who embark on a dangerous journey of hunting and combating malevolent supernatural entities. Inspired by their father's heroic legacy, the brothers dedicate their lives to ridding the world of monsters, demons, and even powerful gods that terrorize humanity.
Throughout the series, Sam and Dean encounter a vast array of supernatural creatures, from ghosts and werewolves to witches and vampires. With a combination of their impressive combat skills, extensive knowledge of folklore, and the aid of various allies, they face these creatures head-on. Set in a modern-day setting, the series transforms ordinary locations into chilling battlegrounds for the forces of good and evil.
Supernatural skillfully blends horror, mystery, and drama, making it a captivating and addictive watch. The deep bond between the Winchester brothers is a prominent aspect of the series, as they navigate the perilous world of the supernatural together, facing personal sacrifices and heart-wrenching tragedies along the way.
Featuring a blend of standalone episodes and multi-season story arcs, Supernatural keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, with each season unveiling new and mesmerizing supernatural threats. The show's epic conclusion in 2020 brought an end to an era, solidifying its status as a beloved and iconic series in the paranormal genre.
Also Known As:
SupernaturalRelease Date:
13 Sep 2005Writers:
Eric KripkeAwards:
Nominated for 3 Primetime Emmys. 37 wins & 126 nominations total