SuperMansion (2015–2019) is an animated comedic series that follows the hilarious adventures of Titanium Rex and his aging superhero team, The League of Freedom, as they try to navigate a rapidly evolving world and battle to retain their relevance. In a world where superheroes are idolized and then forgotten in a heartbeat, these heroes must confront the challenges brought about by their age and diminishing popularity.
As the show unfolds, viewers are introduced to a diverse cast of characters, including the insecure yet optimistic Titanium Rex, the complex and sarcastic Black Saturn, the perky and enthusiastic American Ranger, and the tough yet emotionally damaged Cooch. Together, they must find a way to adapt to modern society and keep up with the ever-changing expectations of being a superhero in the digital age.
SuperMansion offers a fresh take on the superhero genre, blending humor and adventure to create a truly unique viewing experience. With its clever writing and sharp wit, the show explores themes of aging, insecurity, and the struggles of trying to remain relevant in a world that is constantly evolving. Whether you're a longtime fan of superhero stories or simply looking for a laugh, SuperMansion is sure to entertain and delight.
Also Known As:
SuperMansionRelease Date:
08 Oct 2015Writers:
Zeb Wells, Matthew SenreichAwards:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. 6 nominations total