The Anderssons in Greece is a comedic Swedish family film that follows the misadventures of Sune, a young teenager struggling to find a girlfriend. When his family embarks on a vacation to Greece, Sune's luck seems to change as he meets the girl of his dreams. However, there is a major hurdle to their budding romance - her father happens to be Sune's swimming teacher.
Set against the breathtaking backdrop of Greece, this light-hearted film takes viewers on a hilarious and heartwarming journey as Sune navigates the challenges of young love. With his quirky family in tow, including his eccentric, yet lovable father, the Anderssons embark on a vacation that is filled with laughs, awkward encounters, and unexpected surprises.
The Anderssons in Greece blends elements of romance, family dynamics, and cultural exploration into a feel-good adventure that is suitable for viewers of all ages. Through Sune's relatable journey and the comedic situations that arise, the film explores themes of friendship, perseverance, and the complexities of teenage relationships.
With its captivating storyline and picturesque locations, The Anderssons in Greece offers a delightful escape for viewers, transporting them to the enchanting Greek islands. So, join Sune and his family in their unforgettable vacation and witness the hilarity and charm that unfolds as love and family collide in the most unexpected ways.
Also Known As:
Sune i Grekland - All InclusiveRelease Date:
25 Dec 2012Writers:
Hannes Holm, Anders Jacobsson, Sören Olsson