Sun Dogs (2017) follows a young man named Ned, who dreams of becoming a military hero. However, his aspirations are put on hold when he is unable to join the Marines due to an unsatisfactory psychological evaluation. Determined to prove his worth, Ned embarks on a misadventure with his quirky family and befriends Tally, a free-spirited young woman.
As Ned and his newfound companions navigate their escapades, they stumble upon unexpected revelations about life and personal courage. Through their experiences, Ned begins to understand that being a hero doesn't necessarily involve military service but rather taking action to positively impact others' lives.
Sun Dogs artfully explores themes of self-discovery, unconventional heroism, and the importance of embracing one's unique journey. With its heartfelt narrative and endearing characters, the film offers viewers an engaging and uplifting story.
Directed by Jennifer Morrison and featuring an ensemble cast including Michael Angarano, Melissa Benoist, and Allison Janney, Sun Dogs offers a charming blend of comedy and drama. The film invites audiences to reflect on the nature of heroism and reminds viewers that bravery can come in unexpected forms.