Strul (1988) is a captivating Swedish comedy film that follows the misadventures of Conny, a chemistry teacher who gets wrongfully accused of drug possession and lands himself in prison. With no way to prove his innocence, Conny's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a secret exit in prison. Pressured by some fellow inmates, he is coerced into participating in a daring heist.
As Conny navigates his newly found role in the criminal world, his mission to clear his name intensifies. Along the way, he finds himself entangled in a web of chaos, trying to balance proving his innocence while also assisting his fellow inmates. Just when things couldn't get any more complicated, Conny crosses paths with Susanne, a policewoman whose presence threatens to uncover his secrets.
Directed by Colin Nutley, Strul presents a unique blend of comedy and suspense, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats as they follow Conny's outrageous journey. The film offers a fast-paced narrative filled with unexpected plot twists and hilarious moments, showcasing the talents of its stellar cast and the director's knack for creating engaging entertainment.
Strul is a must-watch for fans of crime comedies, offering an intriguing storyline, memorable characters, and a healthy dose of laughter. Join Conny on his rollercoaster ride of mistaken identity, absurd situations, and unexpected alliances in this entertaining Swedish film.