Strike is a gripping crime drama series based on the best-selling novels by J.K. Rowling, writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. The series follows the adventures of Cormoran Strike, a war veteran turned private detective, as he tackles a series of complex and brutal murder cases alongside his resourceful assistant, Robin Ellacott.
Set in the heart of London, Strike delves into the dark and gritty underworld of crime. With his unique insights and investigative skills, Strike navigates through a web of secrets, motives, and red herrings to uncover the truth behind each perplexing case. Along the way, he faces personal challenges and confronts his own troubled past, adding depth and complexity to the character.
Strike's trusted assistant, Robin Ellacott, proves to be an indispensable asset to his investigations. With her insightful observations and quick thinking, she complements Strike's abilities and becomes an integral part of the detective duo. As the two delve deeper into the mysteries they face, their partnership grows stronger, showcasing the power of teamwork and trust.
With its gritty atmosphere, engaging storytelling, and well-crafted characters, Strike is a must-watch crime drama that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Prepare to be enthralled as Strike uncovers the darkest secrets hidden within the city, one murder at a time.
Also Known As:
C.B. StrikeRelease Date:
01 Jun 2018