Stolen by Hitler (2004) is a gripping historical documentary that uncovers the dark and harrowing journey of over 2000 British men, women, and children from the Channel Islands who were forcibly deported to Nazi Germany in 1941. This film takes viewers on a terrifying and unknown adventure, as families were torn apart and faced with the unimaginable task of leaving everything behind. Some were so desperate that they took their own lives rather than be taken by Hitler's forces.
Once in the heart of Nazi Germany, the survivors find themselves in horrifying prison camps, where they are subjected to primitive conditions and struggle to stay alive. However, amidst the horror, a remarkable spirit of determination emerges. These resilient captives refuse to merely exist; instead, they commit themselves to thriving, despite the odds being stacked against them.
Directed with expert precision, Stolen by Hitler sheds light on one of the most bizarre episodes of World War II. It unveils the resilience and strength that ordinary individuals possess in times of extreme adversity. This gripping documentary captures the human spirit's triumph over evil, showcasing the enduring power of hope and resilience. A must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of powerful human stories, Stolen by Hitler is an emotional and compelling journey that will leave viewers both moved and inspired.
Also Known As:
Stolen by HitlerRelease Date:
23 Apr 2005Writers:
Martin Morgan