Step Up: High Water is a thrilling dance drama series that takes audiences into the captivating world of High Water Performing Arts School in Atlanta. Inspired by the popular Step Up franchise, the series offers an exciting and emotionally charged narrative that combines the strength of dance with relatable and diverse characters.
The story revolves around a group of talented and ambitious young dancers who enroll in High Water, a prestigious arts school with a rich and competitive dance scene. As they navigate the challenging world of professional dance, they face various personal and professional obstacles, including friendships, rivalries, and romantic entanglements.
The teachers at High Water play a crucial role in guiding and inspiring the students, using their own experiences and expertise to help them achieve their dreams. As the students strive to perfect their dance skills and create a name for themselves, they forge deep connections and discover the true meaning of determination and self-expression.
With its high-energy dance sequences, complex character dynamics, and powerful storytelling, Step Up: High Water guarantees an immersive and captivating viewing experience. Join the talented cast as they take you on a journey through the highs and lows of aspiring to be the best in the dance world, all set against the vibrant backdrop of Atlanta's vibrant dance scene.
Also Known As:
Step Up: High WaterRelease Date:
31 Jan 2018Writers:
Holly SorensenAwards:
1 win