Stuart Martin
Animated series inspired by Norse Mythology. The Twilight of the Gods refers events that led to the destruction of Midgard and Asgard, then the death of most of the Æsir and Vanir gods in an ultimate battle against evil, the force...
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Mystery
Stars: Stuart Martin, Peter Stormare, Lauren Cohan
When Eliza Scarlet's father dies, he leaves her penniless, but she resolves to continue his detective agency. To operate in a male-dominated world, though, she needs a partner - step forward a detective known as the Duke.
Category: Crime, Drama
Stars: Kate Phillips, Stuart Martin, Cathy Belton
Elena and Jake meet by chance on New Years Eve, arguing for the same taxi. However, instead of going their separate ways after sharing a taxi, they initiate a determined relationship.
Category: Drama, Romantic
Stars: Laia Costa, Stuart Martin, Lisa McGrillis