Jun'ichi Okada
The show revolves around Rakugo, a traditional Japanese comedy that can look back on a 400 year long history. It tells about a Yakuza who goes to a Rakugo performer to collect debts, and a talented comedian who tries to change his...
Category: Comedy
Stars: Jun'ichi Okada, Yû Aoi, Gen Hoshino
Shogo Kanetaka is a police officer, who suffers from trauma when his loved one was murdered. Since that horrific time, Shogo has only thought about revenge. He then receives an order to go undercover as a yakuza member. The police...
Category: Action
Stars: Jun'ichi Okada, Kentarô Sakaguchi, Mayu Matsuoka
26 year old Kentaro discovers his biological grandfather died as a kamikaze pilot during WW2. He and his sister begin an investigation into what kind of person he was, interviewing men who fought with him. There follows the story of Japanese Navy Air Service Platoon Sergeant Miyabe, as told by four of the men who knew him best. Intricately woven the film follows him through Pearl Harbor, the Midway Battle and the Battle for Okinawa. When he finally loses his will and respect for life he enrolls in the Special Attack Force and passes his responsibility to return to his wife and infant daughter on to a younger pilot. An engaging tale of a man brave enough to challenge accepted ways of thinking.
Category: Action, Drama, Mystery
Stars: Jun'ichi Okada,Haruma Miura,Mao Inoue,Gaku Hamada
A group of Yokohama teens look to save their school's clubhouse from the wrecking ball in preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
Category: Animation, Drama, Family, Kids
Stars: Masami Nagasawa,Jun'ichi Okada,Keiko Takeshita,Yuriko Ishida,Rumi Hiiragi,Jun Fubuki,Takashi Naitô,Shunsuke Kazama,Nao Ômori,Teruyuki Kagawa,Haruka Shiraishi,Tsubasa Kobayashi,Aoi Teshima,Goro Miyazaki,Sarah Bolger