Stan Against Evil is a captivating and hilarious horror-comedy series that follows the misadventures of Stan Miller, an aging police sheriff with a dark past. Set in a small New Hampshire town, Stan finds himself reluctantly teaming up with the new and determined sheriff, Evie Barret, to confront a demonic presence plaguing their community.
As the two unlikely partners join forces, they start battling against a variety of malevolent and vengeful demons that have been haunting the town for centuries. With each episode, the pair confronts a new supernatural threat, from possessed dolls to resurrected witches, all while trying to navigate their own personal demons.
The show's unique blend of horror and humor keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while delivering plenty of laughs. John C. McGinley brings Stan Miller to life with his quick-witted and cynical persona, providing a perfect foil to Janet Varney's strong and determined Evie Barret.
Throughout the series, Stan and Evie's dynamic evolves, leading to unexpected revelations from Stan's past and a deepening connection between the two. The show expertly weaves together character development, supernatural thrills, and comedic moments, creating a thrilling and entertaining viewing experience for fans of horror and comedy alike.
Stan Against Evil is a must-watch for those seeking a unique and entertaining blend of supernatural horror and comedy, making it a standout addition to any streaming watchlist.
Also Known As:
Stan Against EvilRelease Date:
02 Nov 2016Writers:
Dana GouldAwards:
1 nomination