Spirited (2022) is a enchanting musical film, based on Charles Dickens's beloved tale, that takes audiences on a magical and transformative journey. This spirited adaptation centers around a deeply unhappy and miserly misanthrope, whose icy heart is about to be thawed by the extraordinary events that unfold.
In this reimagined version, the story is given a vibrant twist with the infusion of captivating musical numbers that bring the narrative to life. Audiences will be immersed in a world where melodies and lyrics dance with stunning visuals to create an unforgettable cinematic experience.
With stunning performances by a talented cast, Spirited illuminates the captivating charm and complexity of its characters. The film captures the essence of Dickens's timeless story, while adding a fresh and modern touch that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Throughout this magical journey, viewers are transported to different realms and encounter mysterious and enchanting characters. They'll witness the transformation of the protagonist, as he goes through a series of awe-inspiring encounters that challenge his cynical worldview.
Spirited (2022) promises to captivate with its powerful storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and unforgettable music. It is a film that will warm hearts, leave a lasting impression, and remind us all of the power of kindness and redemption.
Also Known As:
SpiritedRelease Date:
18 Nov 2022Writers:
Sean Anders, John MorrisAwards:
2 nominations