In the first episode of the eight-part series Spegelvänd, Li discovers a mysterious mirror in her grandmother's summer cottage, which coincides with receiving strange messages on her phone. Intrigued by this unusual occurrence, Li enlists the help of her friends, Greger and Amina, to decipher the meaning behind these messages. Meanwhile, Li's grandmother, who holds a prominent position as the head of a major research facility, embarks on a final experiment before the upcoming Midsummer's Eve.
As Li and her friends delve deeper into the mystery surrounding the mirror and the cryptic messages, they find themselves entangled in a web of secrets and discoveries that challenge their perceptions of reality. Each revelation leads them closer to unveiling the truth behind the mirror's significance and the implications it holds for their lives. With suspenseful twists and unexpected turns, Spegelvänd promises an immersive and captivating experience for viewers as they follow the characters on their quest for answers and understanding.
Also Known As:
SpegelvändRelease Date:
22 Mar 2016