In Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon (2014), the lovable dog Pushok and his space-faring friends embark on a thrilling journey to the moon in a bid to rescue his father and discover the importance of teamwork. This animated film follows the courageous canine as he defies the odds and braves the unknown dangers of outer space.
As Pushok and his comrades navigate their way through the vast cosmos, they encounter various challenges that test their abilities and bond them closer together. The heartwarming tale showcases the power of friendship and cooperation as they work together to navigate their way to the moon and save Pushok's father.
Featuring stunning animation and a charming storyline, Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon is a delightful family-friendly film that will entertain audiences of all ages. Join Pushok and his space crew on their epic adventure as they learn valuable lessons about the true meaning of teamwork and courage in the face of adversity. Get ready to blast off into space with these intrepid pups and discover the wonders of the universe in this captivating animated tale.
Also Known As:
Space Dogs: Adventure to the MoonRelease Date:
15 Jan 2016Writers:
Maksim Belozor, John Chua, Mike DisaAwards:
3 nominations