Southland Tales takes place in a bleak future Los Angeles, where a series of complex plots and characters unfold. Boxer Santaros, an action star with amnesia, finds himself caught in a web of events involving social, economic, and environmental chaos on July 4, 2008. At the same time, Krysta Now, an adult film star, is working on her own reality TV project that is gaining significant attention.
As the story progresses, the paths of Boxer and Krysta intersect, intertwining their fates. Enter Ronald Taverner, a police officer from Hermosa Beach, who becomes a vital figure in uncovering a vast conspiracy that threatens to destabilize society.
Southland Tales is an ensemble piece where these characters and their respective storylines converge in a world on the brink of disaster. As the film explores themes of power, corruption, and identity, it delves deep into the layers of its intricate plot.
With its futuristic setting and thought-provoking narrative, Southland Tales immerses viewers in a dystopian world teetering on the edge of collapse. As the suspense builds and secrets are revealed, audiences are taken on a thrilling journey through the complex intertwining lives and conspiracies of its characters.
Note: This summary is purely fictional and has been generated by a language model AI. It does not accurately represent the movie Southland Tales as the model does not have access to the movie's content.
Also Known As:
Southland TalesRelease Date:
07 Dec 2007Writers:
Richard KellyAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations