So This Is Christmas is a heartwarming holiday film that follows the life of Ashley, an eighteen-year-old girl who is lost and making poor choices. Frustrated with the drama at home, she surrounds herself with a bad crowd and is desperately searching for an escape. However, everything takes a turn when a handyman working on her family's house persuades her to volunteer for a Christmas play for underprivileged children.
As Ashley immerses herself in the project, she discovers a new sense of purpose and finds joy in helping those in need. Through her selfless actions, she starts to heal her troubled family and learns the power of giving. Together, they realize the impact that one person can have on others during the holiday season.
So This Is Christmas is a powerful reminder of the true meaning of the holidays and the transformative power of compassion. With its heartfelt storyline and strong messages about redemption and family, this film is sure to warm the hearts of viewers of all ages. Get ready to be inspired and embrace the spirit of Christmas as you join Ashley on her journey towards self-discovery and healing.