In the thrilling movie series Smother (2021–2023), set against the captivating backdrop of County Clare's rugged coast, a gripping mystery unfolds. The story kicks off when Val Ahern's husband is tragically discovered dead at the base of a cliff the morning after a family gathering. Faced with this devastating loss, Val becomes determined to uncover the truth behind her husband's demise.
As the matriarch of the family, Val embarks on a journey to delve into the hidden secrets that her loved ones have been harboring. With each revelation, a new suspect emerges, leaving Val questioning who might bear responsibility for her husband's death. The movie masterfully weaves an intricate web of intrigue, offering viewers a suspenseful and emotional experience.
Through meticulous digging and relentless investigation, Val begins to peel back the layers of her family's intricate dynamics. As she unearths long-held secrets and confronts unexpected betrayals, Val realizes that her own kin may not be who they appear to be.
Smother (2021–2023) is a captivating and suspenseful series that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they navigate the twists and turns of an enthralling mystery. Prepare to be enthralled as Val Ahern unravels the truth behind her husband's tragic demise and unearths the shocking secrets hidden within her own family.
Also Known As:
SmotherRelease Date:
01 Jul 2021Writers:
Kate O'RiordanAwards:
1 win & 19 nominations