Småstad is a 2017 Swedish movie directed by Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein. The film follows the life of Björn, who has been hiding a deep fear since childhood. After his father passes away, Björn and his four sisters receive a series of video messages he left behind. These messages force Björn to confront his fears and question his entire existence.
The film delves into Björn's complicated relationships with his siblings, each of whom has their own struggles. As they navigate the emotions stirred up by their father's death, they must also come to terms with the shocking revelations in the video messages.
Småstad is a gripping and thought-provoking drama that explores themes of fear, loss, and family dynamics. It offers a unique perspective on facing one's fears and the impact it can have on personal growth.
The film is beautifully shot and features compelling performances from its talented cast. The directors Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein effectively create a suspenseful and atmospheric atmosphere, drawing the audience into Björn's world.
Småstad is a must-watch for fans of Scandinavian cinema and those who enjoy introspective and psychologically-driven films. It provides a deep and emotional cinematic experience that will leave viewers pondering long after the credits roll.
Also Known As:
SmåstadRelease Date:
20 Jan 2017Writers:
Johan Löfstedt, Anna Potter